Message – 09.02.2024

Dear Parents/Guardians,

The end of the first half term and it feels like we have squeezed so much into a shortened length of time. Thank you as always to everyone for your help and support and to the pupils as always for being wonderful. I hope you all have a restful week ahead and we will see you back on the 19th February.

Class performance

Well done to Masarnen who put on a class performance on Wednesday afternoon to showcase some aspects of their expressive arts topic. We had a gallery of line drawing to enjoy, readings, some fantastic solo performance from Evelyn, Leah and Neslihan, along side the opening act of Nigel, our school crossing patrol, performing ‘It’s a Wonderful World’.

I particularly enjoyed the orchestra, led by Hallie, performing ‘Ode to Joy’. Well done all!

Crossing Patrol in the Morning

We have notice a small minority dropping pupils off on, or very close to, the school crossing area. Can we politely ask that this does not happen. At it’s busiest it can be a dangerous area to cross and this is not helped if cars stop to let pupils out. Thank you in advance.


Today we will be making to letters available for parents to read. The first will come out on forms regarding an increase in price for Breakfast Club. this is not from the school, but from the county, who oversee this provision. For Gwersyll this means- 

Playmates– Price as usual

8am-8.20am– £3 charge

8.20am-to end– Free of charge

This will take effect from 1st of April 2024 (School opens after Easter on 9th April 2024)

Finally, I am going to place a letter on the school website for Parents from all Primary Headteachers (Secondary Headteachers have created a similar letter). This letter is written to give parents insight into the current cuts to school budgets and the potential impact that these cuts may have. The link is here :

Your support, now , more than ever, is warmly received and if you are interested in becoming a Volunteer or a Parent Governor, please do let us now.

Have a lovely break,

Mr J Moore